Skinscan Skin Analysis

Skinscan Skin Analysis

Skinscan Skin Analysis

Skinscan Skin Analyzer is the world's most advanced analyzer with artificial intelligence and image analysis. Within 20 seconds, it performs an efficient skin analysis on the epidermis for epidermis problems such as spots, blemishes, wrinkles and skin moisture. With Skin Analysis, all problems and damages on the surface of the skin and under the skin are analyzed. In this way, products with a personalized skin management program are recommended according to the test results.


Based on sensitive analysis reports, the skin condition is evaluated from 10 different angles. RGB pore, RGB Stain, RGB Crease, PL texture, UV porphyrin, UV Pigmentation, UV Moisture, Sensitive zone, Brown zone and UV damage.


With our skin analyzer, we evaluate the skin in detail and decide which care and product to use. After the protocols we have created, we start the process. At the end of the protocol with the regular skin care and products used, we take a skin analysis and compare them to show the improvement in your skin.